Sunday, February 13, 2011

B-Day Fun

Touch my birthday cake and you'll find yourself in a knife fight.

After Saturday, a day in which I was the only white guy in a class of 50 Koreans. A class that Sunny didn't tell me was taught in the Korean language. I guess the fact that I couldn't understand the teacher excuses me from learning anything scary about childbirth.

We went out on Sunday night for my B-day dinner.

Went to a sushi place in Marina Del Rey with these gangsters.

Sushi mania

Sunny brought her A-Game for baking. She took the role of making the German Chocolate Cake that I require every February 13th.


  1. So did you learn anything at all? And why is her hand on your tummy? Who's tummy is bigger? Yours or hers?

  2. Happy B-Day! Wonderful looking cake! Your white guy story reminds me when Greg & I were in the San Diego airport years ago. He said that he felt out of place... he was the tall white guy in a sea of Lantinos & Asians.
