Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thumbsucking Champ

Olivia has been dependent on her thumb lately. Not sure if it's just a bad habit or if it helps with her teething. Probably both.

Last week was chilly. Full bundling was required. These pics are from last week. But this week the weather has been perfect. 70s to 80's.

Olivia goes to My Gym once a week. Sometimes twice. Each class is 45 minutes long. That's where all these ball pits pictures come from. And now she'll crawl through the barrels.

Olivia is wearing mom's shirt.

And she thinks it's funny.

Sitting Up skills are improving. She rarely tumbles over anymore.

The flowers on the tree are blooming.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

She's 9 Months Old

Today Olivia's hits the 9 month old mark.

She started crawling last week.  Not a true crawl, but more of a military shuffle on her belly. She has been seen going up to 4 feet in any direction. Baby proofing the living room will begin shortly.

I got a cart for the back of my bike (Christmas present from my parents) so I can tow Olivia around town when I bike.

Grandpa's test run.


Heading to the park.

My buffer zone so she can fall in any direction and not get hurt.