Today we went down the road to Dockweiler Beach. It is pretty easy to get to and very small crowds. We all put on sunblock and went down to the water.
Other than the beach, it's been a lot of time at the house. A lot of me working too much and annoying everyone I live with. Olivia has been playing with toys, more reading, and generally being spoiled. You'll notice that there are more toys in this round of pictures.
I'm not sure when teething begins, but she has been drooling a lot and sucking on her fingers. Is this the normal progression??
Olivia received a very cool package this week. It was from Amber, Mike, Catherine, Mary, and Mister Michael Junior. We opened the package and it was this super cool personalized Olivia quilt. (it's a quilt, right? i don't know all the fancy terminology)
Olivia and her parents love it. Thank you.
she knows there is something important about these 2 words. |
Sunny's friend, Sang, was in town from San Francisco, visiting for a few days. He just took his Law Bar exam and will know in a couple of months if he passed.
And a bunch of photos from the last 2 weeks.
stroller rides make me tired. |
i'm grumpy just like my dad. |